Hari Raya 2011

This raya we celebrated it in Banting , macam biasa raya di Banting washappening. Met all my uncles , aunties, cousins and long lost nephew and nieces. Macam biasa Hari Raya was the day that I look into...Our theme for this was black jubah, tapi ntah macam mana my daughter punya jubah dah tertinggal kat Damanasara.
Oleh kerana malas nak bersusah payah we decided to have satay for our guests and guna paper plate and cup, sebab malas nak mencuci....faham-fahamlah tetamu my parents...sekali datang not only 2 -3 cars some of the rombongan 5-7 cars. Some people tak biasa can terduduk dibuatnya.
Masa bermaafan adalah masa yang saya tungu-tunggu. There you go, you can see how different was my parents as compared to other parents . I am proud with my parents because they showed their loves to their children and not only that to their son-in law too by giving a true loves from inside, from the say, from the heart not materials as they don't have it.But I thankful for that because of that it makes us adik-beradik rapat lebih menyayangi my parents so deep inside. Hug and kisses are compulsory to all they loved cume hari biasa to anak menantu they didn't give kisses and hug because takut anak menantu tak selesa. To all my relatives girls and boys, ladies and men, receiving kisses and hug is something normal from my parents. tak kira dia bergaji besar, bergaji kecil, kereta besar , kereta kecil, belajar pandai , belajar tak pandai , semua my parents sayang. Non like some parents , they showed their love to the children by giving them what they want not to show how they love through their soul and from inside. I think the loves come from inside of the heart is much more terkesan rather than the material you gives. Materials will only gives you temporary loves but not a long lasting loves. That's what makes me proud of my parents. I wish them to live longer and received Allah's blessed all the time.


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