Agar-Agar Gula Merah / Palm Sugar Jelly

I love my mom's palm sugar and pandan jelly. Since I missed so much of those two types of jelly, so I decided to made an attempt to try make it by myself. At first it didn't turn out as good as my mom did but after few trials I managed to get nearly the similar texture but still not as good as my mom did. But at least I enjoyed it and yet received compliments from my friends .

1 packet of clear jelly powder
1 palm sugar
4 spoon sugar
pandan leaves
5 cups water
1 egg
3 spoon coconut milk

pour water into a pot, add in the palm sugar, sugar and pandan leaves and bring it into boils. while waiting the mixture to boil, whisk the egg with the coconut milk. When the mixture in the pot starting to boil, add in the jelly powder and let it dissolves. When the jelly had dissolved add in the mixture of egg and coconut milk into the pot. Stir it until it boils and the mixture of egg and coconut milk started to separated from the water (when the bubbles came out), then turn of the fire and pour the mixture into the mould casing. Let it cold and keep it in the fridge.


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